Santa Rosa Memorial NICU March for Babies Bake Sale

The NICU will be participating on April 14, 2018 with the March for Babies walk at Howarth Park. Our goal is to increase awareness in the community about our NICU.  On March 16, 2018 the NICU nursing staff as well as Dr Alan Shotkin, at SRMH held a bake sale in the hospital main lobby. It was a huge success! We raised $787.00 from the bake sale and donated it under the Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital NICU team/ March for Babies.  Many nurses from the women’s and children department, including pediatrics participated / donated, and cheered us on. We also received a generous bread donation from Goguette Bread (the French bakery across the bridge from SRMH). One of the owners of the bakery says she “loves Memorial Hospital,” she had her baby here. They also gave many bread donations to our unit during the fires! Both Sutter and Kaiser are in partnership/sponsorship with March for Babies. We would like to see Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital included in the community of neonatal nurses, supporting this great cause, sponsored by our hospital, and most of all being a loud voice in the community for mothers and babies!