Introducing the Providence Clinical Network & Leadership Team

Dear Physician & Provider Colleagues,

Last week I sat down with Dr. Rod Hochman to discuss what the future holds for our physicians and providers across Providence. It is with confidence I say that the future is bright. As a physician leader talking to the most senior leader of our organization – also a physician – I can’t express how excited it makes me that Dr. Hochman recently took intentional steps to elevate the physician voice in a more tangible way within Providence. I hope you’ll take a few moments to hear that directly from Rod.

You’re invited to join me next week for our first-ever Providence physician and provider town hall to learn more. Click here to add Microsoft Teams Live appointment to your calendar. I also ask for your help in spreading the word to your colleagues to join the conversation.

One sentiment Rod and I share is a desire for our newly integrated division to break down legacy walls and restore relationships between primary and specialty care, ASCs, retail, and urgent care – and ultimately with our acute partners, especially when it comes to our clinical institutes. If doctors, clinicians, and caregivers start feeling like those walls are coming down, our patients will feel it, too.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve partnered with our three line of business leadership teams to design the right structure to support our newly combined division and bring that simplified experience to life. It is in the spirit of foresight and flexibility that our founding sisters have always modeled, that we announce our new high-level structure to support this new division, which we are calling the Providence Clinical Network.

Today, I’m pleased to share with you the team that will help us achieve our new integrated strategy and vision:

As mentioned in our prior divisional announcements, our medical group chief executives will continue reporting to me, with a dotted line reporting relationship to their respective divisional chief executives. You’ll find a visual of our new leadership team here.

Over the last several weeks, we held extensive design sessions with our collective leadership teams to ensure we understand the depth and breadth of the services provided by these lines of business. We’re building something new, so we’re intentionally taking the time needed to be thoughtful in our approach. Our next level of integrated leaders for the division should be announced in mid-September and in the meantime, we’ll be working through details in each functional area.

I know this is a challenging time for you as a physician or provider – during my time as a practicing family medicine physician, I couldn’t have imagined facing a more challenging three years. For your grace and patience, I am very grateful. But I also come to you today with a message of hope, of light at the end of a long, dark tunnel which we will come out of more unified, more connected, and more aligned than ever. This is your time, our time, Providence physicians and providers, to lead the way toward 180 more years of delivering on our Mission.

Thank you for all you do – day in and day out – to keep our Promise alive. It is truly a privilege to be leading alongside you. And I am very much looking forward to continuing this dialogue next week at our town hall.

David Kim, M.D.
EVP & Chief Executive, Providence Clinical Network

Additional Resources:
Frequently Asked Questions
Shaping Our Future SharePoint Site