Optum – Quit for Life

Quitting tobacco is about more than stopping smoking – it requires lifestyle changes that can be hard. That’s where there is Nicotine Free, powered by Quit for Life, now available to caregivers and their medically-enrolled dependents through Choose Well.

Nicotine Free is a comprehensive program that employs essential practices to quit for good. First, you quit at your own pace, on your own terms. To understand if you are ready to quit, check out this self-assessment.

Next, conquer your urges by gaining skills to control cravings and solve situations where you are tempted to smoke. You will work with a quit coach who will work with you to develop a quit guide and provide you with tobacco cessation aids that really work. Finally, you learn how to become a non-smoker for life and how to never again have that first cigarette.

To learn more, go to the HR Portal, under Well-being and select Nicotine Free to learn more. Nicotine Free supplies the tools to support you in your journey to become smoke-free and live your best life.