Apply for the Jack Glaser Legacy Award to pursue health care ethics studies

Jack Glaser’s work and writings are forever embedded in the foundation of legacy St. Joseph Health (SJH). It was Jack, executive vice president of theology and health care ethics and a founding board member of St. Joseph Health Ministry, who eloquently reminded us of what it means to be a caring community. He also insisted that justice become our fourth value because “justice is about right relationships and justice holds a special concern for the vulnerable and disadvantaged.”

Jack, who passed away in early 2012, was described as a modern-day prophet. But those were other peoples’ words. A humble man who always had time for a conversation, Jack loved nothing more than to have pen and paper in hand, sketching out his signature drawings that helped explain complex issues and the Catholic teachings he cherished.

To honor Jack Glaser and his many contributions, legacy SJH established the Jack Glaser Legacy Award for the Advancement of Health Care Ethics. Grants are provided to Southern California SJH caregivers interested in studying health care ethics and related topics. Funds cover expenses directly related to the conference or classes attended.


How to Apply
To apply for this year’s award, Southern California candidates must prepare a written proposal that includes goals and the intended impact on their ministry. Applications will be accepted from April 16 through May 31, 2018, and will be reviewed by the PSJH Department of Theology and Ethics, as well as an interdisciplinary committee. Scholarship(s) will be award in June 2018.

For a full list of qualifications and to access the application form, click here.

Selection Criteria

  • Employees must have met the equivalent of one full year of service.
  • Unique qualifications and/or individual participation in ethics related health care activities.
  • Professional and academic achievement.
  • Recommendations from a Supervisor and a peer.
  • Acceptance into an educational program or offering specifically related to health care ethics that includes a Catholic Healthcare Ethics component*.
  • Written proposed goal and impact of the educational program in relation to local ministry and or regional health care ethics.
  • Increase in knowledge and skills would be integrated into current processes of ethics mechanisms and local ministry and/or region.

*If a program with a Catholic Healthcare Ethics component is not available, or the applicant is accepted into a program without this component, work in this area will be required for the awardee and will be arranged through the PSJH Theology and Ethics department.

Completed applications, including all attachments must be submitted between April 16, 2018 and May 31, 2018 to: PSJH Department of Theology and Ethics, c/o Sabine Pokryska, 3345 Michelson Dr. Irvine, CA 92612, or scan to:

Please contact with questions.